DGRead 23.07.15
World Day for International Justice; AI for Law Firm Marketing; Happy Summer!
World Day for International Justice; AI for Law Firm Marketing; Happy Summer!
Ethics of Social Media and Other E-Technology Issues; The Pregnancy Workers Fairness Act takes Effect—What Does That Mean to Employers?; Happy Independence Day!
A Judge’s Fitness-For-Duty Law Suit Provides Lessons for Employers; 50 Employment Laws in 50 States; Happy Pride Month!
Be Careful How You Word Your Arguments for ADA Rulings in the 8th Circuit; FedEx Learns A $2M Lesson; Reminder: DiMuroGinsberg is on the Move!
DiMuroGinsberg Is on The Move!; Rocket Docket Updates; Could AI Revolutionize The Practice of Law?; Celebrate Memorial Day!
If You Missed Ben DiMuro’s Legal Ethics Seminar, Not to Worry!; 50 Employment Laws in 50 States; May 14th is Mother’s Day!
Get Up to Date on the Latest Changes in Legal Ethics with Ben DiMuro; EEOC Sues on Behalf of Employee Seeking to Telework Due to Covid-19 Health Risk; World Art Day!
The Advent of Autism is Growing Exponentially!; Autism and the Judicial System; Happy Ramadan, Happy Easter; Happy Passover!
A Texas Obesity Bias Case Raises Some Good Questions for Employers to Consider; Women’s History Month; Founding Partner Nina Ginsberg
Black History Month Fun Facts; Rocket Docket Update; Recent ADA Developments; Happy Presidents Day!
DiMuroGinsberg focuses primarily
on general and complex litigation in the areas of corporate and commercial law, business torts, RICO, criminal law, employment & labor law, and professional liability & ethics.
1001 N. Fairfax St., Suite 510
Alexandria, VA 22314
Telephone: 703-684-4333
Fax: 703-548-3181
Media Contact:
Michele Kraftschik