ADA Accommodation Litigation
Join Jonathan Mook on November 18 for the live webinar “ADA Accommodation Litigation: Employee Requests for Telecommuting, Reassignment, Predictable Shifts and More”
The EEOC recently announced its intention to strengthen enforcement of the ADA. Coupled with a greatly expanded scope of disability resulting from the ADA Amendments Act, employers face an increase in employee requests for disability-based accommodations.
Employers’ denials of requests for accommodations—such as telecommuting arrangements, predictable work shifts and reassignment—have resulted in litigation and EEOC enforcement action, and courts are increasingly ruling in favor of employees.
Jonathan joins a panel of leading employment authorities who will provide employment counsel with a review of recent court rulings arising from employers’ denial of requests for accommodation under the ADA. The panel will discuss decisions covering telecommuting, predictable work shifts, reassignments and other accommodations, and outline ways employers can minimize and defend against claims after requests for accommodation are denied.
Contact Jonathan at or 703-684-4333 for discounted registration.