Transgender individual’s rights have become a headline issue in civil rights law. At the forefront of these often controversial discussions is the Gloucester County School Board case about a transgender high school student’s right to use the bathroom matching his gender identity. This case has spent the last year going back and forth between the U.S. District Court in Norfolk and the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, finally making its way to the United States Supreme Court earlier this month. While the case concerns a local school board’s bathroom policy, it’s outcome will likely be felt throughout the Fourth Circuit (including Virginia, Maryland, West Virginia, and the Carolinas), and perhaps throughout the country, in a wide range of public and professional circumstances.
An article discussing the history of the case, written by DiMuroGinsberg attorney Rachael Loughlin, appears in the July 2016 issue of the Virginia Employment Law Letter and on the Diversity Insight website. Click here to read Rachael’s article.
Ben DiMuro and Jonathan Mook are co-editors of the Virginia Employment Law Letter, a newsletter specifically designed for employers and HR professionals in Virginia. For more information about the Virginia Employment Law Letter or to subscribe, please email Michele Kraftschik.